Receive Your First Lifetime Trust for only £99* Get started

Lifetime Trusts By Professionals, for Professionals

A refreshing approach to Lifetime Trusts

Our service is only available to professionals.

Unrivalled Turnaround

Efficient processes help deliver your legal documents in an unrivalled timeframe.


Our system creates an effortless process and reduces repetitive data entry making it fast, efficient, and intuitive.


Our market-leading pricing of £575 (+VAT) plus disbursements, made possible by automation, helps to ensure you can offer the most cost-effective rates for your clients whilst ensuring they have the protection they require.

Flexible Solutions

Provide documents to clients quickly and efficiently and get visual indicators of where you and your clients are within the trust production journey.

How does it work?

We have created a short video explaining how the process works but we have essentially broken it down into 8 key points.

App screenshot

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Ready to dive in? Receive your first lifetime trust for only £99*

*Price excludes disbursements and VAT.